
burn fat Archives - Crawley Fitness

The 20% of your efforts that mean 80% of your weight loss….

By | Personal Training Crawley, Weight Loss | No Comments

Back in the 1600s an Italian by the name ‘Pareto’ realised that 80% of the results you get come from 20% of your work and effort.  It’s a strange phenomena that seems to crop up all and that includes burning fat and losing weight.

There is the one thing that leads to 80% of your results…

And there’s the ‘other’ thing that leads to just 20%…

What’s the 80%…?

I kid you not … you can 80% of the ‘way’ there by just focusing on your diet.

Imagine this…

You work out two days a week, train hard and burn 600 calories per session (… if you’re lucky, most folk don’t work nearly hard enough to achieve this) leaving you 1200 calories in the red — not bad.

Or you could tidy your diet up just 200 calories per day and you’re 1400 calories in the red without stepping any where a gym or working up the slightest of sweat.

Now sure both work but the problem with the gym solution is most folk treat it as an excuse to eat some naughty food, have a treat and indulge a little.

Just two biscuits with your cup of tea and you’re gone from 1200 calories in the red to 900.

And it’s very easy to let it slip further.

Proof that tidying up your diet is as (if not more) important than exercise and exercising more.

That might sound a little weird coming from a gym who like to see new members but truth be told helping our members eat better AND train harder WITH additional social support really is why we can help our members and personal training clients succeed where other methods have failed.

The Exercise and Diet Double-Whammy…

While you can get 80% towards where you want to be with just diet the harsh reality is discipline often gets in the way.  Or rather a lack of discipline gets in the way, holds us back.

That same lack of discipline coupled with the horrendous food marketing we’re bombarded with daily can — for many of us — make looking how we want to look a near impossibility.

And that’s where exercise help.

While I don’t have the papers to reference, there is evidence to support the fact that people who train also eat well and stick with their diet for longer periods of time.

And, there’s more.

When people diet they typically lose weight but it’s weight — not fat — they lose.

What does that mean?  It means they lose muscle mass and they lose fat and potentially end up skinnier without any really shape of definition.  It’s what most people mean when they say toning – that’s the nice shape having muscle gives us.

If you have no muscle then you look like ‘what you are’ skin covering bone and that’s not a good look.

The right combination of the right exercises with the right diet on the other hand leaves you looking fitter, healthier and feeling good too.

Not to mention the fact that people with more muscle burn more calories (they have a higher metabolism) so it’s a win-win-win situation on many fronts.

Interest in Personal Training?

While personal training isn’t for others (some people prefer a small group or class), a one-to-one session is the quickest way to get in shape, lose weight, burn body fat and build a better looking, healthy body.

Our gym in Crawley is unique in that we’re not a mainstream commercial gym.

We don’t have station upon station of cardio machines.

We don’t have meat-heads who’ll stare at you when you walk into their domain and we know all of our members by name.

Our gym is a cool place to train, it’s super-friendly and we get great results.

To find out more, get in touch.

Enter your name and telephone number in the enquiry box on the side of this page and we’ll give you a call back to talk through your training goals and get you started as quick as possible.

Or you can call us on 01293 552 511 and if we don’t answer (because we’re probably training someone) leave a message and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

See you in the gym!

Looking for a Cool New Exercise Class in Crawley?

By | Bootcamp, Exercise and Fitness, Gym Crawley | No Comments

Crack, crack…

That’s the sound of our ever popular Muay Thai Fitness Classes here in Crawley.

Every morning at 9:30am our members are put through their paces for an hour of cracking pads with punches and kicks, before working through a variety of exercises.

From busy mum’s who’ve just finished the school run through to members looking to make the most of their day off work…

Our classes are open to anyone who’s looking to get in shape and looking for an exercise class in Crawley that’s a lot more fun that’s watching television as you use a cardio machine.


Hitting pads solves everything!

Had a bad day?  Hit some pads.

Feeling stressed?  Hit some pads.

Want to lose weight?  Hit some pads!

Working with boxing, thaiboxing and kickboxing pads is one of the most effective ways to burn calories, build cardiovascular fitness and learn some cool new techniques (there’s a little bit of self-defence thrown in there too)!

So if you’re looking for an exercise class in Crawley, bored with the gym and ready to try something social, a bit of a laugh and very, very efffective…

Then get in touch.

Our exercise classes are based at the Crawley Martial Arts Academy, the gym is fully equipped, matted and has parking and changing facilities.

To find out more you call us on 01293 552 511 or enter your name and email address in the box on this page.

See you in the gym!

Miss England’s Boxing Fitness Training

By | Exercise and Fitness, Ladies Fitness | No Comments

It’s always good to see celebrities and famous folk hitting pads and working up a sweat.

Hear’s a little glimpse into Kirsty Heslewood — Miss England 2013 — working with her personal trainer through a fitness routine that include cardio, weights and hitting the pads.

Fast forward to the 1min:10sec mark to watch her getting box fit.

A Great Way to Burn Fat

The real benefits to hitting the pads is they’re a great cardio workout that vary in intensity so you can work at a pace that suits you and make it as hard (or as easy) as you like.

By mixing up toning exercises that strengthen and shape your legs, stomach and arms with intense cardio from punching and kicking pads you can get an excellent fat burning workout that’s a lot more interesting than mainstream gyms.

Ladies Only Classes

At our gym in Manor Royal, Crawley we have a variety of classes for men, women and children who want to learn martial arts or train for fitness.

Classes are varied and our boxing fitness training promises one of the best workouts you’ll get anywhere.

To find out more our about ladies fitness classes you can call our team on 01293 552 511 or enter you details into the form on this page.

Intensity Training

By | Ladies Fitness | No Comments

Intensity training has become a buzzword in the fitness industry which commercial programmes such as the P90X, the Insanity Workout and recently Davina McCall (read it HERE) releasing a DVD detailing how instensity training got back in shape after having her children.

The real downside to programmes like Davina’s DVD is having the motivation and the discipline to actually follow it through, to do it regularly and keep it up so you actually change your body.

If discipline and motivation are holding you back, we can help!

Our fitness classes (including our Ladies Only Classes) and our personal training sessions all make the most of intensity training.

The fitness training at our gym in Manor Royal is based on Thaiboxing and the Mixed Martial Arts.

It means it’s fun, it’s very different and it’s intense since we’re used to training real fighters who have to be lean and in the best shape of their lives to compete.

Our Ladies Only Fitness classes will have you working in short bursts of intense activity.

You’ll be:

  • Punching and kick the punch bags
  • Hitting focus pads (and hand mitts) with a partner
  • Performing exercises that strengthen and tone your stomach
  • Exercises that shape your shoulders and arms
  • Burn lots of body fat from hips and tummies

We also have a variety of Martial Arts classes which are by their very nature, intensity training.

Our Thaiboxing classes work in 3 minute rounds where you have to give it everything you got as you move around, block, punch, kick, knee and elbow the pads.

Our Boxing classes will put you on the heavy bags, swinging bags and get your working on focus pads (hand mitts).

Plus our Jiu Jitsu class, that’s a different kind of fitness where you work strength and physical conditioning — try it — and you’ll walk out like knowing you’ve given it your all.

You’ll Redefine Fitness Here

We have people who’ve bee training ladies only fitness classes at Virgin, Nuffield and other gyms around Crawley.  We have men who’ve been lifting weights, playing football and going for runs.

But all will agree and tell you, you are going to get pushed to get the most out of each and every intense exercise session here at our gym in Crawley.

If you’d like to find out more about intensity training and our classes give us a call on 01293 552 511 or call in to visit us at our gym in the Manor Royal Industrial Estate, Crawley.