
Super League Archives - Crawley Fitness

Swanley Super League Martial Arts Show Results

By | Competition Team, Kids Martial Arts, Teens Martial Arts | No Comments
Crawley's Thaiboxing Kids Jamie and Brad with Coach John Jarvis

Brad and Jamie with Coach John Jarvis at the Super League in Kent

Last weekend saw the Lumpini Fight travel to Swanley in Kent for the final round of this years’ Thaiboxing Super League, Martial Arts Show.

The competition sees kids and teens travel from around the country to fight it out and see who will qualify to represent the UK at next years International Games.

Fighting for the Crawley Martial Arts Academy were brothers Bradley and Ethan Linstead, Jack and George Jarvis, Jamie Brown, Jack West, Harvey White and Liam Lambourne.

At each stage of the qualifying stages the kids and teens are awarded points for their performance.

11 year old Bradley and 12 year old Jamie performed well throughout the qualifiers and won their categories at the weekend to put them top of the leaderboard and were awarded the winners belts for their efforts.

Hard working Jack West fought well but gave his opponent too much space, backing off and losing out while Harvey White lost out due a bitterly disappointing refereeing decision.

George Jarvis fought well, pulling off some well time flying knees but took a knock on his knee in during his fight to take a standing count before having to retire due to injury.

Liam Lambourne and Jack Jarvis, our 15 year old martial artists had fought well winning (or coming second) in earlier rounds but unfortunately had no opponents in their category this time around.

Overall the performance for the Super League was brilliant.  Last year we had Liam travel to Turkey to represent the UK at the International Games and this year we could also see three or four other of our fighters in the tournament.



Super League: Jarvis and Lambourne Win in Birmingham

By | Competition Team, Kids Martial Arts, Teens Martial Arts | No Comments

Crawley’s George Jarvis helps Bradley behind the Scenes at the Thaiboxing Super League

Muay Thai: Teenage Thaiboxers Jack Jarvis and Liam Lambourne returned victorious after their Gold medal winning performances in Birmingham last weekend.

The boys from Northgate and Crawley Down travelled as part of a 8 strong team to Birmingham for the second round of the super league fights where the winners will travel to the International games in Italy next year.

Performing well in the first round last month the Crawley Martial Arts Academy’s fight team were feeling confident and had been training hard all April in preparation for the May event.

It was a tough day for the team as the second round of the Super League picked up pace.  Jack West, Ethan and Bradley Linstead all gave stellar performances but were all matched with strong opponents who nicked the decision.

10 year old Harvey White fought hard back in April and pulled out some of the day’s best performances.  Moving around, making his opponents miss and countering with superior skill, young Harvey cruised through his first two fights.  In the final Harvey was matched with less than technical opponent whose unorthodox style meant he outscored the stylish Crawley fighter leaving Harvey to take second place.

Jack and Liam Super League May 2013

Crawley Martial Arts Academy’s, Jack Jarvis and Liam Lambourne with their Super League winners belts

Only 15 years, Crawley’s Liam Lambourne is already a veteran of the Super League having qualified last year and travelling to Turkey for the International Games back in April.

Last month Liam was bumped up a weight division and lost out on a close fight to take home a Silver medal.  One of the hardest workers in the gym Liam was out to win this time around and didn’t disappoint as he showed speed and aggression to win a Gold medal and take home the Super League title belt.

Hazelwick student Jack Jarvis was last fight of the day.  The tall 14 year old from Northgate had a busy day ahead of himself, competing in one of the busier weight categories.  Winning his first two fights Jack only had 4 minutes to rest and recover before stepping into the ring for the final.

Digging deep Jack pushed and pressured his opponent as they exchanged punches and kicks over the three rounds doing enough to take the decision and take home the Crawley Academy’s second Gold medal and belt of the day.

If you’d like to find out more about training at the Crawley Martial Arts Academy or would like to sponsor a member of our team get in touch with the Academy on 01293 552 511 or visit: www.crawleymartialartsacademy.com


Jack West is lifted by his opponent

Jack West is lifted by his opponent after a closely fought contest

The Crawley Team at Super League in Birmingham

The Crawley Team at Super League in Birmingham

Lumpini Fight Team Juniors: “We’re the Superstars of Super League!”

By | Competition Team, Kids Martial Arts | No Comments
The Crawley Martial Arts Academy's Medal Winners in Manchester last weekend

The Crawley Martial Arts Academy’s Medal Winners in Manchester last weekend

4 Golds, 2 Silvers and a Bronze Medal for Crawley Martial Arts Academy’s ‘Lumpini Fight Team

Thaiboxing:- Crawley Martial Arts Academy returned successful from the British Championships in Manchester on Saturday. The team of eight fighters didn’t disappoint, bringing back 4 Golds, 2 Silvers and 1 Bronze to the Manor Royal gym.

Travelling up on the Friday night, the team wanted to get a good nights’ rest before the early start on Saturday morning which would see the eight strong team work through 14 fights and take home a whopping total of seven medals.

First up was Jamie Brown, the 12 year who travels from Brighton to train at the Crawley Academy went straight into the finals, bagging the first Gold medal of the day.

Turners Hill’s, Harvey White was up next. The 10 year old from Pound Hill was in one of the busiest weight categories, fighting three times onthe day. The youngster who’d spent most of his Easter in the gym won his first fight before losing in the semi-finals. Fighting for third place, Harvey won comfortably and took home the Bronze medal.

Next out was fellow Turner’s Hill, “Handsome” Jack West. Fighting twice, the 10 year old put on a brave performance coming fourth in his age category. Older brother Teddy went straight into the finals winning Gold in the 12-14 year old age category.

Tilgate based Bradley Linstead had been preparing hard and had showed great potential in the 2012 Super League was next up to fight. The tall 11 year old fought won his first qualifying bout before winning the final in his category to take the second Gold medal of the day.

Hazelwick student George Jarvis followed. The well-trained 12 year old had been working hard since his visit to Thailand with brother Jack and Harvey White last November. After a short spell out of the ring, George showed no sign of any ring rust as he took control of the ring, demonstrating superior skill to comfortably take home the fourth gold medal of the day.

East Grinstead's Liam Lambourne takes the Silver MedalA veteran of the 2012 Championships, East Grinstead’s Liam Lambourne was back in the Super League. The 15 year old was the only competitor in the under 68 kilogram weight category so was moved into a weight category above. Fighting an opponent close to 2 years his senior and over10 kilograms heavier Liam lost in what was a very close fight and took home the silver medal.

Last to fight was 15 year old Jack Jarvis. The older of the Jarvis brothers flew through the first round beating stopping his opponent with a barrage of well timed kicks and knees. Fighting in the 15 to 17 year weight category teenage martial artist Jack had to settle for silver, losing to a more experienced fighter and the winner of the 2012 World Championships in Russia.

The British Championships for part of the Thaiboxing Super League with the juniors fighters winning points based on their placement at a number of the shows.

At the end of the year, the competitors with the most points to their name qualify to represent the UK at the World Championships in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Returning back to Crawley on Sunday morning with trophies, medals and big smiles the team were happy with the first stage of the competition and fired up for the next round of qualifiers.

Head coach, John Jarvis said “It was a brilliant day for the Lumpini Fight Team. The team made me very proud, all of them. They put in lots of effort and time in the gym and really delivered this weekend. And thanks to all the parents and corner men who all travelled up to help!”

The team will be back in action for their the next stage on the 6th May in Birmingham. If you’d like to find out more about Thaiboxing and Martial Arts training in Crawley you can contact the academy on 01293 552 511 or enter you name and telephone number in the box on this page >>

The Crawley team , coaches and corner men