Our training is a great way to get fitter, stronger and lose weight without stepping near a boring gym…
At our club in Manor Royal, Crawley all of our clients and members (we teach a lot of classes too) have one thing in common…
They want to get fit..
They want to be stronger and healthier…
They just find gyms too boring!
Instead our training is good fun because you’re learning a skill.
It’s progressive, you’ll get better and better.
Plus it’s a great way to burn a LOT of calories, lose body fat and get in amazing shape.
That’s why so many personal trainers steal our training methods (how many trainers have you seen use focus pads with clients even though they don’t really know what they’re doing).
What a 1-2-1 Session Looks Like..
Our clients come from all backgrounds and start from all levels of fitness and have their own personal goals so of course we tailor our training to each and every individual.
If you want to lose weight we’ll help you with your training and your diet.
If you have aspirations to one day fight, we can help you with that.
A typical session will start by getting warmed-up, working on mobility and working through some low-intensity drillsĀ and exercises to prepare your body for the session.
20 – 30 minutes of training will be devoted to your boxing (or Muay Thai) training where you’ll work on improving your technique (ie. learning to hit harder and faster) which is also a tough, tough cardiovascular workout.
Before working through a range of exercises that might be HIIT inspired (if burning caloires is your goal) or strengthening exercises.
It all depends on your training goals. which we discuss during your first training session.
Here’s a short video of Alex (who started from scratch) working on his Muay Thai:
We’re a Friendly Team So Get in Touch to Find Out More
We’re a friendly bunch and our family run gym is open to everyone ready and willing to train hard to achieve their goals.
Whether you’re a 52 year old father looking to step in the ring or busy 30-something who wants to get very, very fit — we’re confident we can help.
To find out more enter you name and telephone number in the box below and we’ll call you back as soon as possible.
Alternatively you can call us on 01293 552 511 but we may be working with a client so make sure to leave a message and we’ll get back to you asap!